Treat headaches quickly and effectively with mugwort
Mugwort is both a vegetable and a medicinal plant commonly grown in the home gardens of many families in Vietnam.
According to the International Headache Society (IHS), the cause of headaches can come from up to 70 different cause groups.
These causes can be divided into three basic groups:
Headache due to cerebral causes:
Headache due to diseases of other organs in the body:
Headache due to psychological causes:
Additionally, headaches can sometimes be the result of changes in daily lifestyle such as lack of naps, sleeping in the wrong position, food cravings, excessive noise, weather changes and many other causes.
Use alder to treat headaches
According to traditional medicine, wormwood contains many compounds and essential oils that have pain-relieving and health-supporting effects.
Mugwort can be easily combined with other foods to create nutritious dishes, for example:
Evil chicken stewed with als
This is a dish suitable for all ages, especially pregnant women and people who have just recovered from illness.
The dish should be stewed for 1 – 3 hours and enjoyed while still warm to enjoy the health benefits.
Grilled eggs with mugwort
It is an easy-to-make dish, easy-to-buy ingredients and suitable for all ages.
It should be noted that wormwood and foods in general only help reduce headache symptoms.
Mugwort leaves and black beans
Soak black beans in water until soft, then cook with dill leaves and eggs (remember to cook over low heat until cooked).